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NEW! Join our pre-Rosh Hashanah program by WhatsApp or Email

Middos Growth.

One Day at a Time.

Get quick daily challenges and middos insights to become the person you always wanted to be.

Emails Include:

Insights into Middos

Every week, get insights into different middos - such as happiness, humility, gratitude, or Bitachon (trust).

Daily Challenges

Get quick, practical challenges to help you put the tips and insights into practice in your daily life.

Torah Questions

Process what you learned with (optional) Torah Trivia questions and Questions to Ponder.

Enter our monthly raffle for the chance to win a $15 Amazon gift card!

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Middos learned
0 +
Countries reached
Daily Challenges completed
0 +
Torah Trivia Questions answered
0 +
Points earned
0 +

Frequently Asked Questions

You will receive emails once or twice a week. On Sunday, you’ll receive an email with the insight of the week, together with a challenge that you can do every day that week. You’ll also receive Torah Trivia Questions and Questions to Ponder.
We also send out an optional reminder email on Thursdays which is a reminder of the challenge of the week.
No. You can just read the weekly emails without doing the challenges, if you prefer. If you miss an email, that’s ok, too.
You can earn raffle tickets by: (1) Doing the Activity Challenges each day. (2) Answering the Torah Questions of the week. (3) Referring friends to sign up. There are also bonus challenges sometimes, so keep an eye out for those!
The winner of our monthly raffle earns a $15 gift card to Amazon.
Please contact us at info@middoschallenges.com

Weekly Torah Questions are perfect for sparking interesting discussions at your Shabbos table!

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Teachers and Administrators

Why Our Readers Love Middos Challenges....

Thank you for your tremendous work! These emails are impressive, inspiring and full of content! I am so appreciative to have these beautiful words come to my inbox every week.

I love Middos Challenges. We read it and discuss it at our Shabbos table – it’s beautiful. We don’t need to get points for it to have a wonderful impact on our family! Thank you!

I just finished school and started working, and the emails are a great way to add more ruchniyus into my week. I especially appreciate the weekly challenges and the examples given – I find they are very practical and relevant to daily life. Thanks again!

I want to wish you a tremendous Yasher Koach! This project is exceptional. The content is superb and it makes Yiddishkeit alive and easy to access…

Before Rosh Hashana, I asked that one of my classes in Seminary sign up for this email. This week, I was teaching about a certain topic, and a girl noted that this was mentioned in the Middos emails! I was so impressed that she not only read it, but integrated it! Yasher Koach for all of your great work.

- Rebbetzin Shira Smiles

I really can't tell you how much I gain from your middos emails! I excitedly await for each new middah and I really put the lessons and ideas to heart. Yasher koach. May you continue to have hatzlacha in reaching so many people, and inspiring them to grow. This email group is amazing.

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